Prasa o ScanTheSun

Solar totay
March/April 2015, p.31, USA (2015)
ScanTheSun is an application to adjust solar panels for maximum operational efficiency

Home Energy Magazine
August 2015, USA (2015)
ScanTheSun: A Tool for Solar-Panel Users

Sonnen Energie
January 2015, Germany (2015)
ScanTheSun optimierung der kollektorausrichtung mittels Verschattungsanalyse

ReNew Magazine
Alternative Technology Association, AUSTRALIA (2014)
There are a few Android and iThing apps that are aimed at making it easier to get the most from a solar energy system, but one of the more innovative is the ScanTheSun app

Nr. 4 (50), national quarterly magazine, Poland (2014)
You won’t lose energy with the ScanTheSun app